Marvel’s mid-credits scene seamlessly weaves the X-Men into the MCU.

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The release of a new Marvel movie means at least one more mid- or post-credits scene setting up the future of the franchise, and The Marvels is not different. And just like the rest of the movies that have been announced. Avengers: Kong Dynasty and multiversal Secret Warsthere’s a lot going on in the scene.

Portals to another universe, Marvel Comics deep cuts, and a celebrity voice cameo — let’s break it down.

(Ed Note: Major spoilers are included for this piece. The Marvels.)

Teona Paris as Captain Monica Rambeau blasts an off-screen enemy with a white blast of glowing light in the Marvel Cinematic Universe film The Marvels.

Image: Marvel Studios

At the end of The Marvels, Monica Rambeau made the ultimate sacrifice, sealing a rift in the walls between universes but leaving herself trapped on the other side. And in a mid-credits scene, we check back in with Captain Rambeau in a hospital bed at a mysterious location. In the chair next to Monica is a woman who looks like her mother, Maria, but swears she’s never met Monica in her life. And across the room a blue, hairy man in a lab coat is referring to a boy named Charles, who is telling Monica that he was picked up after going through a tear in spacetime.

Monica seems to have arrived in a universe where the X-Men exist — Dr. Hersot Fursot is there Hank McCoy aka The Beast, voiced by Kelsey Grammer, who played the role in 2006. X-Men: The Last Standand the Charles he is referring to is probably Charles Xavier, Professor X.

A final shot in the scene reveals the outfit this mysterious version of Maria Rambeau is wearing: the red and white colors and twin star symbol of the Marvel Comics superhero binary.

Is Maria Rambeau Binary in Marvel Comics?

Her red and white outfit features a glowing star around her head and a trail of light trails behind her as she flies over an alien landscape in Uncanny X-Men #166.

Carol in early appearance as binary.
Photo: Chris Claremont, Paul Smith/Marvel Comics

Nope what! Maria Rambeau exists in Marvel Comics – but she’s not close to Carol Danvers and makes very few appearances. Making it binary is really a combination of the comics and the movie.

Binary is an old alternate codename of Carol Danvers from the early 1980s, referring to her ability to absorb and generate literally astronomical amounts of energy. How is Maria Rambeau related to Captain Marvel?

Well, Maria Rambeau is played by Lashana Lynch. and I Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, we visited a parallel world where Lynch played a parallel version of Captain Marvel. Taken together, it appears that in the MCU, it was a very close thing that Carol Danvers got superpowers and Maria Rambeau didn’t – it seems that it’s much easier to find universes in which Maria instead of Became Captain Marvel.

In the universe that Monica finds herself at the end of. The MarvelsMaria seems to have undergone a similar transition into the binary as Carol Danvers, mirroring Carol’s history in Marvel Comics.

So is this the same parallel Earth visited by Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness?

It doesn’t happen Think like it. In this universe, Maria Rambeau and Charles Xavier are both killed by the Scarlet Witch. So unless there is time travel here, arrive before the events of Monica. The Multiverse of MadnessIt’s probably a different parallel world. Occam’s razor applies even in the most sci-fi situations.

What does this mean for the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe?

Kong sits on the throne of his multinational spaceship in Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantummania.

Image: Marvel Studios

I wish I could tell you there’s an X-Men or Binary movie on the way that promises to kick off this scene… The Marvels‘ Release, there is not! Only at Marvel Studios Only has begun looking for a writer for his X-Men movie, and is reportedly in no rush, as no such movie has been formally announced or given a release date.

What we do know about what Marvel is preparing is some kind of big multiverse smash with Kong (maybe?). Avengers: Kong Dynasty And Avengers: Secret Wars. So that’s likely where it’s all leading up to: setting up Monica and her energy powers so she’ll be ready when she needs to go on a big multiverse adventure.

While this is the second connection Captain Marvel Chhatri has made to the X-Men in the MCU — after Kamala Khan became the MCU’s first confirmed mutant — don’t expect it all to tie into an X-Men movie just yet. . We have to get through the Kong Wars first.


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